1. This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 18 March, 2014.

    Voltage indicator 2-3 cells Li.Poli

    Our Price:  9.90€

    Voltage Monitor, battery charge indicator, programmable for 2 or 3 Li.Poli cells. The specific and essential device to verify, at a glance before every flight, the status of your battery on board. Only in this way, you can fly in total safety. Realized with high efficient diodes led, it can be used to monitor Li.Poli accumulators and thanks to an easy manual set-up the same device can monitor either two or three cells accumulators. The weight is really moderate and the dimensions of only 13 x 29mm allow to position Voltage Monitor in every place on your model.

    Technical Details:

    - 2/3 Li.Poli batteries

    - Tension scale on 8 light indicators

    - Dimensions 29x13mm

    - Weight 4gr cable included

    DOWNLOAD: Catalogue Alewings


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